Tuesday, November 7th, is the day to get to the polls!
Poor voter turnout landed us in the mess we are in now...don't let that happen again! Races for Judgeships are prominent in this election. Who will be sitting on the bench throughout Pennsylvania is very, very important. Do not sit this one out!
Information about State and Local Judges and polling locations:
In depth details about prospective and incumbent judges:
Know how you are voting before you get to your polling place! Be sure to read the ballot referendum question (see link below) regarding an amendment to the PA Constitution to allow the General Assembly to pass legislation to do away with the property tax. Sounds good? Not so fast...we encourage you to think this one through. Here's an example of why this may not be a good thing for Central Pennsylvanians:
In any event, make sure you get to the polls on Tuesday, Nov 7th--and plan to take a friend or family member!
The PA Board of Elections and most county boards do a lousy job of making information about local races accessible. Cumberland County is an exception:
Lebanon County details (provided by county gov): Please share if you have good resources for your County.