Photos | Lt. Gov. Stack stands with HBG Tuesdays with Toomey: Kill TrumpCare and Protect EPA

Today, Lt. Gov. Mike Stacks joined Harrisburg Tuesdays with Toomey to condemn continued efforts by Republican U.S. Senators to bring another dangerous iteration of the TrumpCare (Graham-Cassidy bill) back from the dead. Also under fire by the group was the continued assault on clean air and water being perpetuated by the Trump Administration and aligned Republicans through their attempts to gut the Environmental Protection Agency and remaining safeguards for protecting our environment. The link between a clean and healthy environment, and our health is not a tenuous one. Say NO to those who would take healthcare away from millions while lowering the quality of the air we breathe and the water we drink! Start making calls in opposition of the Graham-Cassidy bill in the U.S. Senate! A full court press is needed to keep this harmful bill from becoming law. Check back for more information and Action Alerts regarding these issues.