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Central PA Joins others across the US to Support Dr. Ford -- Call for FBI Investigation
With Chants of "No confirmation without investigation," and "Believe Dr. Ford," Central Pennsylvanians gathered outside Senator Toomey's...
Thoughts, Prayers, and...Buckets of Rocks??? How to Not Deal with Antiquated Gun Laws!
There is a common denominator in all school shootings. That's right...guns! Today, diminutive "buckets" of Thoughts, Prayers, and Rocks...
America's Youth Aren't Kidding: "March for Our Lives" Demands Sane Gun Laws!
Young people are stepping up as the Country's moral compass to stand against gun violence, declaring "enough is enough!" Today's "March...
Arming Teachers with Guns will not make kids safer experts tell Legislators! Will they Listen?
There was a clear message from experts testifying before the PA House Education Committee today: Don't arm teachers with guns! House...
The Young are Leading the Way to Gun Safety...It's Time to Follow Their Lead!
It's their future...and the young are leading! It is time we followed their lead. Thoughts and prayers have not led to thoughtful...
Field of Highly Qualified Candidates to Vie for Chance to Defeat Perry in New PA10th District
Between 150 and 200 people, anxious to see the tenure of Scott Perry come to an end, attended "Our March 'Fourth' Meeting," sponsored by...
Photos | Across the Country Hundreds of Thousands Take to the Streets in Second Women's March!
Thousands Marched today in Philadelphia, just one of hundreds of cities across Pennsylvania--and indeed, the World-- claiming their own...
We Are Down But Not Out: GOP Rams Tax Scam Through But Sets Up Conditions For 2018 Democratic Electo
In Central Pennsylvania, Washington, DC, and across the Country, many thousands have put their effort, time, money--and at times, their...
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